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Estate Planning Guide Essentials: Personal Property Memorandum

Family members often end up arguing over mom or dad’s favorite items when that parent dies. Arguments can take place over things like a coffee mug, a piece of jewelry or a painting. These types of arguments can be eliminated…

Passing On Family Values As Part of Your Estate Plan

Successfully addressing and legally formalizing inheritance of family values and assets can be challenging, especially if parents wait too long to begin instilling family values. Undoubtedly the best time to teach and empower your children as eventual inheritors of your…


By Chris DiedlingIf you are engaged and planning a wedding, this is supposed to be one of the happiest times in your life. You are soon to be married to the love of your life and your “happily ever after”…


Is Your 401(k) or IRA a Good Investment? is suggesting it is time to rethink your financial retirement portfolio. You may have built up a significant nest egg in a 401(k) plan, but it does come with serious baggage during your golden years. It is impossible to…

Financial Challenges Facing Seniors…And How to Fight Back

Financial Challenges Facing Seniors…And How to Fight Back Most of us look forward to a retirement filled with leisure and relaxation, but many older Americans are facing financial difficulties that are destroying their retirement dreams. One article addressed some of…

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