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Holidays and Divorce

The holidays are here! Can you believe it? For divorced/living separate families, this time of the year can present a whole host of new challenges and anxieties.

Kids, Clothing and Divorce

As trivial as this topic may seem,  clothing as it relates to your kids in a divorce or custody scenario can be a big deal and cause a lot of conflict.   I’ve witnessed people handle clothing sharing many different ways…

Holidays and Divorce: Things WILL Change

The weather outside just dropped from an incredibly comfortable fall cool to a damp and nasty chill in about two hours, and shows no signs of going back. You know what that means. It must be holiday season. Soon stores…

UPDATE: What the Supreme Court just did concerning Gay Marriage

A lot of buzz has been going around about the Supreme Court allowing gay marriage in most states. First, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) did not rule gay marriage was legal in the United States. Below is…

Collaborative Divorce in Ohio: What is it and is it for Me?

In 2012 the Ohio legislature passed the Ohio Collaborative Family Law Act. Collaborative divorce had existed in Ohio prior to the statute, but the Act has been useful in specifically creating and allowing collaborative divorces in Ohio, specifying how they…

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