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Don’t Let Your Family Feud End up in Court

Don’t Let Your Family Feud End up in Court

Family disagreements about a parent’s end-of-life care and inheritance can get so serious they may end up in a legal filing and court case. You can take steps moving beyond the possibility this might happen and create (or amend) your…

A Guide for Understanding the Probate Process

A Guide for Understanding the Probate Process

The probate process involves authenticating the deceased individual’s will, assessing the assets, settling debts and taxes, and overseeing the allocation of the inheritance. After an asset-holder dies, the court will appoint a valid will’s executor to administer the probate process.…

Avoid These Mistakes When Planning for a Disabled Family Member

Avoid These Mistakes When Planning for a Disabled Family Member

Did you know the largest single minority in this country are the 58 million Americans five years of age or older that are identified as special needs? The majority of federal and state benefits available to help persons with disabilities…

Spending Among Wealthy Retirees Is Low and This Is Why

Spending Among Wealthy Retirees Is Low and This Is Why

Even though we have experienced a cycle of more than 10 years of economic growth, many wealthy retirees are reluctant to spend money for fear of running out of cash. is reporting many retirees, and near-retirees are sitting on…

The Uncertain Future of the Aging Middle Class

The Uncertain Future of the Aging Middle Class

As we grow older, physical activities become more difficult, and most seniors will suffer from some form of decline in health. That’s a truth all of us know. What you may not realize is that the aging middle class will…

Seniors and Their Caregivers Aided by New Tech Apps

Seniors and Their Caregivers Aided by New Tech Apps

The speed by which technology evolves can be intimidating to anyone. For many seniors, these changes can be so daunting that they tend to avoid technology altogether. While seniors have increasingly embraced technology in recent years, data from Pew Research…

Planning for Disabled People to Live Their Best Lives

Planning for Disabled People to Live Their Best Lives

Enabling the Disabled Family funds can be carefully managed to fit the disability-benefit rules and still provide additional perks for the disabled person to enjoy. And, though the rules can be strict, disabled people are still permitted autonomy to own…

The Importance of Life Insurance in Your Estate Planning

The Importance of Life Insurance in Your Estate Planning

Initially, it may seem as though life insurance does not have much impact on your estate plan. However, life insurance can be an integral, indispensably important part of a well-thought-out estate plan. There are numerous other benefits to owning a…

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