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Planning for Medicaid with an Elder Law Attorney

Planning for Medicaid with an Elder Law Attorney

People with low incomes are eligible for Medicaid health insurance. However, because of the steep costs associated with long-term care, Medicaid planning is a growing trend for individuals with higher net worth as an alternative to spending down assets to…

A Guide to Gun Trusts

A Guide to Gun Trusts

A gun trust allows individuals to own firearms in a legal manner, allowing them to share access to firearms with others while remaining compliant with the law. This approach is beneficial for those who own restricted firearms or firearms regulated…

Medical Estate Planning Documents: What You Need to Know

Medical Estate Planning Documents: What You Need to Know

Wills, trusts, and transferring assets are typically thought of when people think of estate planning. However, there is another part of estate planning that doesn’t get as much attention. It concerns advance health care planning. Have you thought about what…

An Understanding of Senior Care Technology and Elder Law

An Understanding of Senior Care Technology and Elder Law

As a result of technological advancements in self-monitoring medical devices, telehealth, and smart homes, many aging Americans are able to remain in their homes for longer and live more safely. Elder law and at-home medical technology uses can intersect in…

A Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls When Designating Beneficiaries

A Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls When Designating Beneficiaries

The idea of leaving your property to your heirs might seem straightforward. You make a will or a trust, you do a transfer-on-death deed for your real estate, you put your kids on your bank account, you designate beneficiaries for…

The Best Way to Help Your Special Needs Child Enter Adulthood

The Best Way to Help Your Special Needs Child Enter Adulthood

There are practical and legal steps to take when planning for your child with special needs as they turn eighteen and become a legal adult. Begin well before their birthday to ease the transition and ensure they continue receiving their…

Adult Children with Disabilities: Creating a Support System

Adult Children with Disabilities: Creating a Support System

Growing numbers of people with disabilities live in the United States, and planning for an adult child’s future well-being is a responsive, continuous process. A Journal of the American Medical Association reports the life expectancy of adults with Down Syndrome…

Wills Are Not Just About Transferring Assets

Wills Are Not Just About Transferring Assets

57% of U.S. adults do not have a Last Will & Testament (a “Will”), according to’s estate planning survey. The survey found that participants were more likely or less likely to have a Will depending on issues such as…

A Guide to Understanding Tax on Generation-Skipping Transfers

A Guide to Understanding Tax on Generation-Skipping Transfers

In the US, generation-skipping transfer (GST) is the US government’s tax on transfers of property that skip a generation. Its primary design is to prevent wealthier individuals from avoiding estate and gift taxes by transferring large amounts of assets to…

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