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Seniors’ Finances Take a Hit with Divorce

Americans aged 50 or more are experiencing gray divorce more than ever. The term gray divorce generally refers to the baby boomer generation and affects all classes and education levels. Research shows that splitting during middle age is particularly damaging…

Common Power of Attorney Misconceptions

A durable power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents you can have.  It allows someone who you appoint (your agent) to make decisions on your behalf in the event you become incapacitated. If you have…

Medicare Falling Short With Home Health Care

All across the US, there is a new refrain spoken by Medicare home health providers, including occupational, speech, and physical therapists, social services, as well as intermittent skilled nurses: “Your husband (or whomever) is not going to get better, so…

A Guide to Continuing Care Retirement Communities

There are three distinct living phases associated with a continuing care retirement community (CCRC). The first is independent living when a resident enters into the community with few if any disabilities requiring limited assistance. In this phase of independent living,…

Watch for These Scams in 2020

Welcome to the new decade, replete with new challenges to protect yourself against ever-inventive scam artists. One concern has a simple fix but requires your commitment to add two additional digits when signing or writing documents, letters, emails, and more.…

Property Co-Ownership Carries Risks

Although owning property with family may let you pass on the asset without going through probate, there are several risks, including taxes, creditor exposure, and loss of control. So when dealing with property, it is important to consider these risks…

Consider This When Caring for an Aging Parent

It is essential to bring up a parent’s aging expectations and set goals together even though initial discussions may be uncomfortable. Often, an exploration into a parent’s future thoughts about health, finances, and residential plans can make the difference between…


How Diet and Exercise Relate to Alzheimer’s

Concerns about your memory or that of a loved one should never be ignored. There are many resources available through a simple internet search, and professional associations that provide education and guidance through a maze of questions you may have…

Antipsychotic drugs and the elderly – Oasis study

OASIS Study Antipsychotic drugs are known to have a number of severe side-effects, but they carry even greater risks for the elderly and those diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, antipsychotic drugs continue to be used as first-line treatments for…

Financial Challenges Facing Seniors…And How to Fight Back

Financial Challenges Facing Seniors…And How to Fight Back Most of us look forward to a retirement filled with leisure and relaxation, but many older Americans are facing financial difficulties that are destroying their retirement dreams. One article addressed some of…

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