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Caring for Your Parent from Far Away

Caring for Your Parent from Far Away

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) defines long distance caregiving as providing care for a person who lives an hour or more away. This type of caregiving takes many forms – from arranging for in-home care, money management, bill paying,…

Family Caregivers Who Thrive

Family Caregivers Who Thrive

Around 17 percent of the US population is a family caregiver, and most are losing sleep, worrying, losing income, struggling to balance caregiving tasks with their workload and other family responsibilities. These 53 million caregivers are often experiencing ill health…

How to Prepare for an Aging Parent’s Care

How to Prepare for an Aging Parent’s Care

One truism of providing care for an aging parent one is preparation is crucial to success. Whether you need basic information about eldercare resources and services, are looking for a local agency to provide those services, or have worries about…

Undue Influence and Estate Planning

Undue Influence and Estate Planning

The elderly have, unfortunately, always been more susceptible to manipulation from those who will defraud or steal from them. Targeted attacks on vulnerable older people to exert what attorneys deem “undue influence” constitutes elder abuse. It disrupts the older persons’…

Alzheimer’s Factors to Be Aware Of

Alzheimer’s Factors to Be Aware Of

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. Alzheimer’s affects a…

Information That Can Help Seniors to Become More Tech Savy

Information That Can Help Seniors to Become More Tech Savy

Today, we currently live in a world of the Internet of Things (IoT). Embedded electronics with internet connectivity simplify tasks and are a pervasive part of our daily lives. Typically, the younger generations are very adept at navigating the IoT…

The Stresses of a Spouse Becoming The Main Caregiver

The Stresses of a Spouse Becoming The Main Caregiver

Becoming the main caregiver for a seriously ill spouse can trigger relationship challenges.  In the process of change, you can lose your best friend, your love, and your future as you both had imagined it. Promises will change from words…

What Happens to your Digital Assets?

What Happens to your Digital Assets?

Today, almost everyone has digital footprint. From social networks like Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Twitter, blogs and licensed domain names, email, music, photos, seller accounts on eBay, Amazon, or Itsy, gaming accounts, even your financial, utility, and medical accounts…

Everyone Should Plan for the Unexpected

Everyone Should Plan for the Unexpected

Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has left many unprepared and confused. There are numerous reports of shortages of antibacterial hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and even toilet paper. While we can’t predict when something like COVID-19 might strike, we can take steps…

What Medical Alert System Should You Choose to Wear?

What Medical Alert System Should You Choose to Wear?

Imagine that one of your parents recently had a stroke and is returning home after a long stay in the hospital and in-patient rehabilitation. The care providers assured you that your parent will be fine returning home, but you still…

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