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Inheritance Is Not Always a Good Thing

Inheritance Is Not Always a Good Thing

Most of the time, getting an Inheritance is a good thing. However that is not always the case. Say your spouse is living in a nursing home because of advanced Parkinson’s. Your spouse is currently receiving Medicaid benefits to pay…

How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help You and Your Family

How an Elder Law Attorney Can Help You and Your Family

An elder law attorney or certified elder law attorney (CELA) specializes and acts as a legal advocate for aging adults and their loved ones. Elder law encompasses a wide range of legal matters affecting an older or disabled person. Issues…

Who Should Make Financial Decisions For You?

Who should you trust to manage your financial well being when you are no longer able to do so? A power of attorney (POA), otherwise known as an agent to your principal, has the legal authority to represent and make…

How to Talk to Your Children About Their Inheritance

Many parents are uncomfortable talking to their kids about their wealth.  Talking about how much money or property you have is usually viewed as taboo.  Asking someone else about what they have is often considered impolite. However, failing to talk…

Estate Planning Guide Essentials: Personal Property Memorandum

Family members often end up arguing over mom or dad’s favorite items when that parent dies. Arguments can take place over things like a coffee mug, a piece of jewelry or a painting. These types of arguments can be eliminated…

Passing On Family Values As Part of Your Estate Plan

Successfully addressing and legally formalizing inheritance of family values and assets can be challenging, especially if parents wait too long to begin instilling family values. Undoubtedly the best time to teach and empower your children as eventual inheritors of your…

Some Very Unsettling Data Regarding Baby Boomer Retirement Care Preparedness

Some Very Unsettling Data Regarding Baby Boomer Retirement Care Preparedness

There has recently been some very unsettling data released regarding middle-income baby boomer retirement care preparedness. A study conducted by The Blackstone Group, an independent research firm, on behalf of Bankers Life Center for a Secure Retirement, forecast that 79% of middle-income baby boomers have NO savings put aside to cover their retirement care.

healthy aging

Connection Between Family and Healthy Aging

One cannot overstate the importance of family presence in a senior’s life. Family creates a consistent social network and connection that directly impacts the senior’s overall quality of life. Prioritizing family relationships provides continuity as a senior experiences change in…

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