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An Understanding of Senior Care Technology and Elder Law

An Understanding of Senior Care Technology and Elder Law

As a result of technological advancements in self-monitoring medical devices, telehealth, and smart homes, many aging Americans are able to remain in their homes for longer and live more safely. Elder law and at-home medical technology uses can intersect in…

The Best Way to Help Your Special Needs Child Enter Adulthood

The Best Way to Help Your Special Needs Child Enter Adulthood

There are practical and legal steps to take when planning for your child with special needs as they turn eighteen and become a legal adult. Begin well before their birthday to ease the transition and ensure they continue receiving their…

Adult Children with Disabilities: Creating a Support System

Adult Children with Disabilities: Creating a Support System

Growing numbers of people with disabilities live in the United States, and planning for an adult child’s future well-being is a responsive, continuous process. A Journal of the American Medical Association reports the life expectancy of adults with Down Syndrome…

Appeal Rights for Medicare Recipients

Appeal Rights for Medicare Recipients

An appeals court recently ruled that some Medicare beneficiaries may now appeal decisions regarding their patient status. The Underlying Issue When Medicare patients go to a hospital, they often enter through the emergency department. The physician who attends to them…

A Guide to Being Appointed as a Guardian of Property

A Guide to Being Appointed as a Guardian of Property

Martin, your grandfather, cannot make decisions on his own anymore. A court appoints you to be Martin’s guardian of property, to help Martin manage his money. You become Martin’s “fiduciary.” The law now requires you to act to a high…

How to Take Care of Your Elderly Parents

How to Take Care of Your Elderly Parents

There is nothing you can do about aging, and it affects everyone in your family. It can be challenging for adult children to imagine their parents as seniors and to understand and respond to the reality that each parent will…

How to Manage Someone Else’s Social Security or Veteran’s Benefits

How to Manage Someone Else’s Social Security or Veteran’s Benefits

In order to help Roberto manage his Social Security benefits, you have been assigned to assist him. In the Social Security system, you’ll be called Roberto’s “representative payee.” The situation is similar if you’re appointed to help your elderly father,…

Choosing the Right Care For Your Aging Loved Ones

Choosing the Right Care For Your Aging Loved Ones

According to sources, long-term care facilities are underfunded by government agencies. They lack the resources to do proper inspections of residential health facilities. You may have seen the rating system provided by the Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).…

Plan Medicaid and Inheritances Carefully

Plan Medicaid and Inheritances Carefully

It is possible to make mistakes when it comes to inheritances and Medicaid. It can be very costly to make those mistakes. When a person is drawing Medicaid benefits and inherits money or property, that inheritance jeopardizes the benefits. The…

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