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New Study Observing Seniors and Technology

The Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Institutes of Health is funding a 7 million dollar, four-year study that accumulates sensor information from senior living behaviors at home. The goal of the study is to monitor and detect health…

The Elderly are Rejoining the Workforce

Many of the 50-year-old and older workers are raising children and helping aging parents, and it is putting a strain on budgets. There are over 3 million seniors or near-seniors looking for full-time employment and millions more looking for part-time…

COVID-19 Taking Its Toll on the Stresses of Americans

Many of us are facing unprecedented challenges during this coronavirus crisis in America, and it has increased anxiety and fear levels in all of us. The reactive part of your brain called the amygdala, a human physiological response when faced…

Senior Spending on Technology Soars

It isn’t just assisted living and nursing home workers employing the latest technology to improve caregiving for elder Americans. According to an AARP survey upwards of 84 billion dollars will be spent annually on technology products for personal self-care use…


  In order to keep our families, friends and clients as safe as possible, I have decided to make the following temporary adjustments to my practice. We ARE taking New Client Consultations. These consultations will be handled by phone, Zoom…

Do your parents have an estate plan?

Have you talked to your parents about their estate plan? Do they have one? If they do, do you know what it is and where to find the information? Do you know what attorney drafted his/her will? If the answer…

Divorce and the Collaborative Process

I’ve been watching the show “Divorce” on HBO (Sarah Jessica Parker) fairly religiously because I like HBO and SJP and I also practice family law. [Spoiler Alert!!]  In the first couple of episodes after divorce became a likely option for the characters,…

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